57005 or alive

Git for Windows accidentally creates NTFS alternate data streams

Jul 20, 2016 git neat windows bug

As part of the small minority of devs at my company who primarily run Windows, I’m accustomed to working around occasional Unix-specific behaviors in our build and deployment systems. Cygwin makes most stuff just work, I can fix simple incompatibilities myself, and as a last resort I can always boot into OSX for a while if needed.

One oddity that took me quite some time to diagnose, though, was Git’s strange behavior when dealing with files in our repo whose names contained a colon.

Moving to a static site generator

Jun 13, 2016 blog web hugo

This blog started on wordpress.com back in February of 2012, then in November 2013 I moved it to a hosted WordPress.org site here at latkin.org. WordPress is quite nice, but it seemed like it was a bit heavyweight given my very basic needs. I’ve wanted to slim down the site and get more hands-on for a while, now.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been migrating the entire blog to the Hugo static site generator. I’m pleased to announce that the migration is complete!

Benchmarking IEnumerables in F# - Seq.timed

Feb 8, 2016 F# performance

It’s pretty straightforward to do basic benchmarking of a single, self-contained piece of code in .NET. You just make a Stopwatch sandwich (let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); <code goes here>; sw.Stop()), then read off the elapsed time from the Stopwatch.

What about measuring the throughput of a data pipeline? In this case one is less interested in timing a single block of code from start to finish, and more interested in bulk metrics like computations/sec or milliseconds/item. Oftentimes such pipelines are persistent or very long-running, so a useful benchmark would not be a one-time measurement, but rather something that samples repeatedly.

Furthermore, it’s sometimes difficult to determine where the bottleneck in a chain of computations lies. Is the root data source the culprit? Or is it perhaps an intermediate transformation that’s slow, or even the final consumer?

JNI object lifetimes - quick reference

Feb 1, 2016 Java JNI Scala

I’ve recently had reason to do a bit of work with JNI .  Throughout the course of this work I had to do quite a lot of Googling in order to figure out how to properly manage the caching of various JNI objects used by my C++ code. Some JNI objects can be safely cached and re-used at any point, while others have limited lifetimes and require special handling. Obtaining JNI objects through JNI APIs is, broadly speaking, fairly expensive, so it’s smart to persist those objects which will be re-used in multiple places. You just need to be careful.

I expected to find a big table somewhere that documented the lifetime restrictions (or lack thereof) for each of the JNI object types, but sadly I was unable to locate one. Instead, I wound up trawling through numerous Stack Overflow replies, blogs, forums, and other documentation to obtain this information.

This post is my effort to provide to others the missing quick reference I wish I’d found. I recommend this Android documentation as further reading if you want more details.


Jul 2, 2015 C# games silverlight windows-phone

Pentago is a favorite board game of mine, which I used to play regularly with coworkers during lunch (and occasionally during not-lunch). The rules are very simple, and casual games can be played in just a few minutes, but it’s deep enough to still be satisfying if you’re willing to put some thought into your strategy.

In 2009 I wrote a computer player for Pentago in C#, and even managed to cobble together Silverlight and Windows Phone UIs for it that aren’t terrible. The engine uses a negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.